Talofa subscribers,
It’s February already, but happy 2025, and gong xi fa chai 🐍 all the same!
This isn’t an actual post, but more of a “hey, checking in and letting you know I’ve got some rants writing coming!”
This is already shaping up to be a weird year, what with everything going on in AI, U.S. Politics, our shitty politics and just the overall decline of human society (😂😭).
My outlook and goals this year (as usual) are a bit chaotic, but I’m getting better at just accepting that, having a bias for action, but also be willing to axe something that doesn’t feel “right”. This could be seen as “fickle”, I know, but I think with enough years of life experience, it’s hard to bullshit myself into thinking I like something I know I clearly don’t.
Would you look at that, the “just checking in post” is starting to turn into a “let me speak on a few things while I have your attention”.
Anyway, while I have you (lol), just quickly, this year- leaning into AI hard, building things, posting things, presenting things, community things, business things and also, possibly my pe’a, and some aganu’u, and a few AI/ML certifications.
Lots on, dot com.
Talk soon,
Manuia feau ma galuega o le aso!
p.s. I’ve had a few youngin’s hit me up lately for tech career advice, and I tend to get a few of these requests throughout the year. I sent them this post from last year, which is still as true today as it was when I wrote it.
And, not just for pasifika, but imho, anyone, who’s not a complete sycophant for the corporation-
Have a read (it’s free), pass it on to anyone you think needs to read this (remember: Wu-Tang is for the kids)